тел./факс: +375 17 358 92 92    
| Адрес: 220076, Беларусь, Минск, ул.Ф.Скорины, д.14, офис 222 | Email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

About us

The company "Vneshsnab"

about About Us - о компании Внешснаб

The company Vneshsnab is located in Minsk, the capital and the biggest industrial city of Belarus. We are active in flexography printing, metal processing (especially stainless steel markets), interior and exterior construction (cladding, glazing, metal constructions, commercial signing), home appliances (white goods: refrigerators, ovens, stoves), commercial vehicles (buses, trailers, trucks, tractors), furniture, municipal utilities (mini machines).

We identify our niche in the markets of our activity as a promoter of innovative technologies and professional expertise provider. Therefore, normally, we deal with the most expensive products in the markets. We've got business relationships with well-known leading producers, e.g. 3M (flexo mounting tapes, abrasives, adhesives, adhesive tapes, protective films, VHB), DuPont (photopolymer plates for flexography), Vaber Industriale (sealers and mastics), Dynabrade (professional tools), H-old (specialty tapes), Chemence (leading producer of adhesives based in UK), Biolink (producer of acrylic tapes).

Based on our experience and well established contacts at Belarusian industries, we can investigate into your interests to produce component parts and modules for your needs at factories in Belarus. Huge OEMs like MAZ, MTZ, BelAZ, MZKT, Atlant have got developed local Tier 1 and Tier 2 supply chains. Expertized and experienced tradition of industrial production in Belarus can ensure good quality for very affordable prices.

We can make your products less expensive, i.e. more competitive without a need in any investments. We are closer than China.

We are open for business proposals regarding distributing innovative products and technologies in Belarus. Our contact details are as follows:

UP "Vneshsnab" of.222, 14 Skaryny str., 220114 Minsk, Belarus 
tel./fax (+375 17) 369-82-92, tel.(+375 17) 385-92-53 
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О компании

Наша компания является первым импортером товаров промышленного назначения, оборудования и техники в Республику Беларусь. Мы работаем с ведущими мировыми производителями в своих областях.

deal About Us - о компании Внешснаб

Контактная информация

ООО "Внешснаб"
Адрес: 220076, Беларусь, Минск, ул.Ф.Скорины, д.14, офис 222
телефон: +375 17 358 12 92
тел./факс: +375 17 358 92 92
Email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. 
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